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PDM Concept

As told by Dan Moore owner of this PDM-Inspired FiftyOne


Like many riders of my age, the 1989 Tour De France was a defining moment in what would shape my understanding of what was cool in cycling. Greg LeMond was ‘the man’ and he had all the new products and ideas. Although, back then it was the old wise hand of Sean Kelly that drew me in. On his Concorde PDM he was classic-cool. He was one of my Dad’s favourite riders and as the years went on I followed him more closely and researched his wins, his style of racing and his path into the sport. So many images of him, in the Tour, the Nissan Classic, the World Champs, all showing his grit and fight. I even got to ride with him in his hometown of Carrick On Suir on his retirement ride, the Hamper race – which was an epic day out – Roche, Vanderaerden and Rominger all there too.

When the time came to design my new bike, FiftyOne helped extract my story and the thought process behind it. The result was this PDM-inspired design and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve loved it from day one and it instantly brought back teenage memories about wanting to ride the tour. I may not have scaled to the heights that Sean Kelly did but I might look half as cool as him.